Article (20): Enrollment conditions and rules for granting the Diploma of Advanced Professional Studies
A- Graduates of practical (theoretical) faculties who have successfully passed the qualifying study, as well as all students who have a bachelor’s degree (or bachelor’s degree) or its equivalent in a diploma field, join it.
B- Sohag University grants at the request of the Faculty Council…. Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in the following specializations. The name of the diploma and the branch of specialization shall be specified in the graduation certificate: 1- Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in….. . 2- Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in….. .
C- The student studies courses from level 500, the number of hours is 18 credit hours.
D- The maximum period for studying the Advanced Professional Studies Diploma is one year.
e- This stage is considered an expired stage, and it does not allow its graduates to apply to study for any other stages. Article (21): Enrollment conditions and rules for awarding postgraduate diploma:
A- A student who has successfully completed all preliminary study courses, as well as all students who have a bachelor’s degree (or bachelor’s degree) or its equivalent in a diploma field, are enrolled in this stage.
B- The student studies courses from level 500, the number of hours is 18 credit hours.
D- Sohag University grants at the request of the Faculty Council…. Postgraduate Diploma in specializations shown in Table No. (2). The name of the diploma and the branch of specialization shall be specified in the graduation certificate.
Article (22): Other specialized diplomas:
Postgraduate diplomas may be created in specializations other than those mentioned in Article (20), provided that the department concerned proposes the diploma and its academic courses and scientific content and approves them by the College Council and the University Council before the start of the study in sufficient time to allow announcing it in the month of March of the year of the start of the study and the College Council if It decides to hold an entrance examination for students and to determine the number of students for each diploma according to the capabilities of the department.
Article (23): Joint diplomas: The College Council may create joint diplomas, which are shared by more than one department. In this case, the College Council forms a council for each joint diploma headed by the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research and membership of the heads of departments involved in supervision or their representatives. This council has the authority of the department council to supervise study affairs. In joint diplomas, the college council determines in the month of March of each year postgraduate diplomas in which studies will be opened in the following academic year. Table No. (2): Graduate Diploma