Article (31): Study Branches:
Sohag University grants, based on the proposal of the College Council ………. Doctor of Philosophy degree in …….. by studying in the scientific departments shown in Table No. (1). The certificates shall indicate the name of the department (and specialization) and the title of the thesis.
Article (33): Registration Conditions: Taking into account the provisions of Article (3) of these regulations, the following is required for a doctoral student to be enrolled:
A- He has a master’s degree in science… in the same specialty from one of the colleges of… At Egyptian universities or any equivalent degree from another scientific institute recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities.
B- To submit an application to the Dean of the College for his enrollment after the approval of one of the professors or assistant professors to supervise, and present the request to the concerned department council to approve supervision and determine the field of research, then present the matter – after completing all the documents – to the Postgraduate Studies and Research Committee, then the College Council.
Article (33): Study Duration:
A- The minimum period for obtaining a doctoral degree is two years from the date of enrollment.
B – The maximum period for obtaining a doctoral degree is five years from the date of registration, taking into account the cases of suspension of registration. The enrollment may be extended for another period based on the proposal of the main supervisor (supervision committee) and the approval of the concerned department council, the graduate studies and research committee, and the college council.Taking into account the provisions contained in Article (15) of these regulations, the supervision of the doctoral student may be joint between the members of the supervision committee from Sohag University and another supervisor from one of the foreign universities or institutes recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities. In this case, the supervision committee may be A maximum of four members.
Article (35): The study plan for the doctorate:
A- Sohag University grants, based on the proposal of the College Council, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ….. in the specializations of the various departments of the college, and the name of the scientific department (and specialization) and the title of the thesis are indicated in the certificate.
B – The student studies courses from level 600, the number of hours is 18 credit hours, determined by the concerned department, based on the proposal of the Supervision Committee, the approval of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee, and the approval of the College Council.After completing the study of 12 credit hours with a grade of no less than 3.0, the student prepares a scientific thesis that is evaluated as 30 credit hours in a subject determined by the main supervisor (supervision committee) and approved by the concerned department council, the graduate studies and research committee, and the college council.
D- The student does not apply to discuss the thesis before passing all the courses or studying other courses to improve the GPA.
E – The relevant department council may approve the modification of the thesis title at the request of the main supervisor, and that modification shall be approved by the Postgraduate Studies and Research Committee and the College Council. This does not result in a breach of the time periods stipulated in Article (33). In this case, the concerned department council may, in the event that the change is substantial, assign the student to pass some additional courses of level 600 at least, determined for him by the main supervisor from among the courses in the department or Those studying in other departments of the college or in one of the faculties or institutes of Sohag University or recognized foreign universities, provided that their total does not exceed eight (8) credit hours. These hours are not counted for the student within the approved hours mentioned in Paragraph (b) of this article.
f- The student shall pass the TOEFL exam in the English language with a score of at least 500, and the student may be exempted from this exam if he submits proof of his success at this average during the four years preceding the date of his enrollment for the Ph.D. G- The student shall pass the comprehensive qualifying exam within a period not exceeding one year from the beginning of enrollment for this exam.
H – The main supervisor of the student determines a field of research and it is approved by the relevant department council and the Graduate Studies and Research Committee at the college. The student submits a letter with the results of the research so that it represents a new addition in the specialization branch, taking into account the time periods stipulated in Article (33) of the regulations.
I- The relevant department council may, upon a request from the main supervisor, agree to amend the research field only once during the doctoral studies. This may be done without changing the supervisors. This amendment is approved by the College Graduate Studies and Research Committee and the College Council. This amendment does not result in Violation of the time periods stipulated in Article (33) of the Regulations.
Article (36): Course Equivalency
The college council may, based on the proposal of the relevant department council, calculate courses with code 600 or higher that the student has previously studied at the college or at a scientific institute recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities and succeeded in them with at least a good grade during the five years preceding the preliminary enrollment, provided that the number of hours of these courses does not exceed 9 credit hours.
Article (37): The comprehensive qualifying exam:
A- The college council approves the examiners’ committee for the comprehensive qualifying exam for the doctoral student, based on the approval of the concerned department council and the approval of the college graduate studies and research committee. The committee consists of four professors or assistant professors who specialize in the general field of research, provided that at least one of the members is from outside the department, in addition to the main supervisor.
B- The committee will develop a comprehensive qualifying exam that includes:
A written exam in the areas of general and specific specialization. The committee determines the method of the exam, and allocates four credit hours for it.
An oral exam, for which one credit hour is allocated, and includes:
Topics of general specialization.
Sub specialty topics.
– Search Plan.
C- If the student fails in the comprehensive qualifying exam, he can re-apply for the exam at a date determined by the Examiners Committee, provided that it is not less than one month and not more than three months from the date of the exam.
Article (38): Conditions for awarding the degree:
Based on the recommendation of the concerned department council and the Graduate Studies and Research Committee of the college, the College Council recommends granting the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ……… in the event that the student fulfills the following conditions:
A- At least two years have passed since the date of registration.
B- Accepting the thesis from the judging committee and recommending granting the degree.
C- Accepting the publication of two scientific papers extracted from the contents of the dissertation in a specialized and refereed journal or in a specialized and refereed conference and submitting evidence of publication or acceptance for publication.
Article (39): Cancellation of registration:
The College Council cancels the student’s registration for a doctoral degree in one of the following cases:
A- His interruption of studies or his lack of seriousness in research, with the approval of the relevant department council and the approval of the Postgraduate Studies and Research Committee, and based on a report from the supervisor (Supervision Committee).
B- Failing the comprehensive exam in accordance with Paragraph (C) of
Article (37) of the Regulations.
C- If the referee committee rejects the thesis.d- If the degree is not granted within the period stipulated in Paragraph (b) of Article (33) of the Regulations.
E – If he applied to cancel his registration for a doctoral degree.
F- If he did not pay the prescribed tuition fees on the date specified for that in these regulations, and this item does not apply to assistant teachers, research students, and scholarship students at the university and other universities.Special study programs