. 1 The student applies through the website of the Cultural Affairs and Missions sector: on this website www.mohe-casm.edu.eg to complete the information form, and upload passport and photos – taking into account that the full name is written so that it matches the passport and the rest of its documents. At the end of the application steps, the student prints the proof of application.
2- Then the student submits directly the proof of application with his papers to the college and the university during the aforementioned dates, including the original letter of the embassy.
In the case that the new student wishes to transfer, he is not required to apply on the site again, but rather applies directly to the new college at the same university or another university with his complete papers (including a copy of the proof of the old application and a form submitted to the old college and a statement of a case study from it and the embassy’s letter to transfer to The new college) and completes a new data form in the new college explaining the previous registration data (college / university / degree) and the student brings all the papers himself or his embassy (including, of course, the embassy’s approval of the transfer) to The General Administration of Accepting and Granting International Students in the Ministry
It is permissible to consider deferring the enrollment of an international student in postgraduate studies for the year following the nomination (once) before the start of the new academic year (after obtaining the college’s approval on this).
– For students previously accepted in the past two years (2016/2017 or 2017/2018), they are not required to prove their application on the website.
1- It is permissible to re-nominate the international student who was previously accepted in any of the past two years (2016/2017 or 2017/2018) in the same college and university where he was previously accepted. He clarifies his position since his first acceptane
Students who were previously accepted in the past two years (2016/2017, 2017/2018) may be transferred from one college to another, and the transfer is one time during these two years to the new college) and complete a new data form in the new college, explaining the previous admission data (university year/college/university/degree).
3- It is also permissible to transfer the study of a student who was previously accepted in any year – as long as he continues to study in the college since his first admission until the current year 2018/2019 – to a corresponding study – provided that the college he is transferred to is approved and the transfer is only once during the period of his study and the student advances Directly to the new university with his full paper (including a detailed case study statement from the college he transferred from, along with the embassy’s letter of transfer) and accordingly obtains a letter from the new college (the transferor to) with the initial approval to transfer it to the General Department of Expatriates in the Ministry, and the student brings all the paper himself or his embassy to submit it to this administration
Students who have obtained a postgraduate diploma from Egypt for a period of one year and wish to enroll in another diploma in the year following their obtaining the first diploma (they are not required to apply on the website). It (detailed case study statement) in addition to the embassy’s letter of his desire to register for the second diploma, and the student shall bring them himself or his embassy to submit it to the General Administration of admission and granting of foreign students in the ministry, where the admission is made without the security’s opinion regarding them.
“The admission of any of the international students to any university or institute is not considered until after the approval of their acceptance has been issued by the Ministry
The Ministry of Higher Education also announced the start of international students applying to join Egyptian public universities and institutes for the academic year 2018/2019 at the postgraduate studies stage. They can apply through the website www.mohe-casm.edu.eg, according to the following:
A- New enrolled students: They are students who have not been accepted during the past two years (2016/2017 or 2017/2018) or who have previously been accepted and more than two years have passed since that admission (as a time interval between the year of admission and the current year 2018/2019, for example: the previous admission 2015 /2016 is considered one of the new entrants) and this category is investigated by the security about them, and their acceptance is subject to the response of the security authorities
B – Students who have already been accepted in the past two years (2016/2017 or 2017/2018) and this category does not have to apply via the website, and their acceptance takes a short time (a month at most from the date of the start of the procedures) where previous approvals are relied upon, and therefore They do not require proof of electronic application, and this is done in any of the following ways: (Re-nomination in the same college/transfer to another college/studying the second diploma in the year following the student obtaining a first diploma from Egypt).
C- The application for categories (A and B) shall be from 1/8/2018 to 31/5/2019 (Diploma/Masters/PhD).